Communicate with your client and elaborate complex intents, obtain reports and progressively evolve your interaction.
Run Multi-container Docker applications using Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
Support many NLPs like: OpenNLP, CoreNLP, SpaCy, OpenText Content Analytics and Polyglot NLP.
Create a faceted search with targeting rules and choose your favorite NLP to boost your content and index from many sources, such as: Wordpress, OpenText WEM, database and file system.
Index Adobe Experience Management (AEM) Content to Turing AI.
Apache Nutch Plugin for Turing AI
Use Apache Solr as Search Engine.
Turing AI detects Entities of OpenText Blazon Documents using OCR and NLP, generating Blazon XML to show the entities into document.
Detect entities using CoreNLP.
FileSystem Connector to import content to Turing AI.
Java Library to access Turing AI.
Database Connector to import content to Turing AI.
Detect entities using OpenNLP.
Detect entities using OpenText Content Analytics.
Detect entities using Polyglot NLP.
Polyglot Rest API for Turing AI.
Shio CMS is integrated with Turing AI, allowing you to map the attributes that will be indexed in Turing during Post Type modeling.
Detect entities using SpaCy NLP.
SpaCy Rest API for Turing AI.
Index and search the Sprinklr knowledge base with assets and categories. Use targeting rules to narrow your search based on the user profile.
Sample Configurations and Scripts.
OpenText Web Experience Management (WEM) Listener to publish content to Turing AI.
Turing AI for WordPress.